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Reference for the Promotion of Adult Life Education

Reference for the Promotion of Adult Life Education

1. Foreword

       In order to explore the adult life education’s objective, main axis and core connotation (the adult here refers to those over 20 years old), propel the construction of formal and informal education support system as well as to provide a reference for the implementation of lifelong learning governance policy, this department plans to assign Nanhua University (NHU) to conduct the Adult Life Education Core Connotation Project in 2015. The conclusion abstract is hereby listed as two following points for the reference and observation of local governments in encouraging life-long learning institutions to promote adult life education.

2. Reference

(1) Core Connotation of Adult Life Education

       The objective of adult life education is to seek for the ultimate meaning and purpose in life and moves toward personal integrity, personality cultivation, and spiritual consciousness and development so as to pursue the supreme good and happy life.

       The core connotation of adult life education has two levels — “Three Questions in Life (Why do people live? How should people live? How can people live a life they want?)” as well as “Method and Basis”. They are concluded as follows: